IA-DOM-HHS-SDP6-.Net Developer - Full Stack
This is a Senior .NET Developer that will assist in enhancements of new and existing systems and entire end-to-end system development using .NET technologies.  Contract will extend on 7/1

This is a Senior .NET Developer will assist in end-to-end system enhancement and new development using C#, Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5, TypeScript, JavaScript, Knockout, ASP.NET Webforms, .NET Core, MVC, and Entity Framework, SQL Server including creating stored procedures, functions, tables and creating and maintaining SSIS packages and SSRS reports.

•This position will assist in enhancements of new and existing systems and entire end-to-end system development using .NET technologies. These systems support our business lines such as Child Welfare, SNAP, TANF Medicaid, and Child Care Assistance. As a full stack developer, skills are needed in both front-end and back-end development. C#, Angular, Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5, TypeScript, JavaScript, Knockout, ASP.NET Webforms, .NET Core, Entity Framework and SQL 2016+
•Gather business requirements, analyze, and create functional and technical specifications
•Analyze and design SQL databases and database objects
•Perform end-to-end development and testing and support business users with user testing
•Resolve system issues and problem reports reported by end users though the Help Desk.

Successful candidates will possess:
•The ability to analyze new development, or current applications and assist with coding tasks; able to react quickly to changing requirements in an agile environment
•Self-starter work ethic, adept at providing exceptional results with limited supervision
•Excellent troubleshooting skills to identify and fix issues reported in existing systems

Required/Desired Skills

SkillRequired /DesiredAmountof Experience
• Experience in developing ASP.NETRequired3Years
• Experience with ASP.NET WebformsRequired3Years
• Experience with RESTFUL development for web services and APIsRequired3Years
• Experience using C#, VB.NET or ASP.NET CoreRequired3Years
• Proficiency with using Visual Studio 2019 and previous versionsRequired3Years
• Experience in working with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Knockout, and AngularRequired3Years
• Experience using LINQ and Entity FrameworkRequired3Years
• Team Foundation Server/Azure Dev Ops (or other version control tools)Required3Years
• SQL Server 2016+ Required3Years
• Experience in creating batch packages using SSISRequired3Years
• Experience in creating reports using SSRS Required3Years
• Database modeling & DesignRequired2Years
• Experience in using Power BI Desired1Years
• Experience with Microsoft Azure Cloud servicesDesired1Years
• Experience designing CI/CD pipelines into Azure App ServicesDesired1Years
can demonstrate knowledgeable experience in • OpenText Content ServerHighly desired0
can demonstrate knowledgeable experience in • Adobe Experience Manager – specifically using Designer, Workbench, and Workflow Highly desired0


Question1The Contractor must report any disciplinary action, misdemeanor or felony convictions to the State for any temporary IT staff provided. Do you agree to this requirement?
Question2Absences greater than two weeks MUST be approved by CAI Management in advance, and contact information must be provided to CAI so that a resource can be reached during his or her absence. The client has the right to dismiss the resource if she or he does not return to work by the agreed upon date. Do you accept this requirement?
Question3This requirement falls under the E-RTR process. The candidate MUST submit their Right to Represent electronically following the process to be considered. Do you accept this requirement?
Question4Please list candidate's email address.
Question5The Vendor Rate for this position is -.. Do you accept this requirement?
Question7SHOW YOUR WORK - In the summary of qualifications field under the details tab of the candidate's profile, you should explain why your candidate is the best fit for this position. Please confirm that you have thoroughly validated and attested to the accuracy of the credentials listed throughout this candidate's VectorVMS profile and resume according to Section 5.2.5 of ITS-009440. Do you confirm? Candidates will get rejected if an agency cuts and pastes the candidates' resumes into this field.
Question8DOM DoIT contractor personnel are now required to undergo additional background check investigations (run by DOM DoIT) before starting, requiring the completion of several waiver forms & fingerprint processes. The selected candidate will be responsible for completing all the necessary waiver forms, scheduling and completing the fingerprinting process, and returning all completed items to DOM DoIT for processing. Please confirm you have discussed this with your candidate, and he/she will comply if selected.