NCDIT - Technical Specialist- Senior
Typical Experience: 60-84 months

This is a remote position.

The DIT Enterprise Monitoring is replacing all the Broadcom/CA tools by6/30/24 and are in the process of purchasing Solarwinds HCO licenses to coverthe following functionality:
--Distributed server threshold-based performance alerting for DIT-managed AIX,Solaris, Windows and Linux servers
--Distributed server performance data collection and reporting for DIT-managedAIX, Solaris, Windows and Linux servers
--Distributed server alerts based on log file messages and process states forDIT-managed AIX, Solaris, Windows and Linux servers
--Netflow data collection and reporting for DIT-managed WAN CE circuits
--Up/down monitoring and alerting for ~400 critical network interfaces

The Enterprise Monitoring team has limited experience with Solarwinds and thereis quite a bit of work to accomplish in the next several months.  ThisSolarwinds implementation and configuration specialist will come along side theteam and assist specifically with the implementation and configuration thatcovers the server monitoring.  The particular Solarwinds module/productrelated to this work is called Server and Application Manager (SAM).  Forthe Netflow and the up/down interface monitoring it would be nice, but notrequired, for the resource to have experience with NetFlow Traffic Analyzer(NTA) and Network Performance Monitor (NPM).

Required/Desired Skills

SkillRequired /DesiredAmountof Experience
Need experience implementing and configuring Solarwinds Server and Application Monitoring (SAM) module/application. Required3Years
Nice to have experience with Solarwinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) and Network Performance Monitor (NPM)Highly desired3Years


Question1Absences greater than two weeks MUST be approved by CAI management in advance, and contact information must be provided to CAI so that the resource can be reached during his or her absence. The Client has the right to dismiss the resource if he or she does not return to work by the agreed upon date. Do you accept this requirement?
Question2Please list candidate’s email address.
Question3Please indicate how soon this candidate is available to start work. Vendors are encouraged to submit candidates that are available for the duration of the assignment.
Question4Vendor must disclose to the agency if the candidate will be subcontracted at the time of submission. Do you accept this requirement?
Question5Vendor must notify the agency if any portion of the requirements listed in this task order are to be outsourced to other countries. Do you accept this requirement?
Question6Candidates submitted above the rate of - will not be considered. Do you accept this requirement?
Question7Payment for all approved hours will be paid at the straight hourly rate regardless of the total hours worked by the engaged resource. It is the responsibility of the supplier to adhere to any applicable compensation laws including payment for overtime hours. Do you accept this requirement?
Question8Confirmation that you have thoroughly validated, and attest to the accuracy of, the credentials listed throughout this candidate’s VectorVMS profile and resume pursuant to Section 5.2.5 of ITS-009440 is required. Do you confirm?