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Report Developer

 Project Context

The Treasury Management System (TMS) Implementation is a project to replace 10 core mainframe legacy systems that administer government financial transactions with a single modern consolidated system.   The project is being managed by a Core Project team of contractors representing the Province and the Modernize Team representing FIS Global.


A large number of reporting requirements were identified during the project initiation to support the 3 business areas within BCM branch.  The Provincial Treasury Information Systems Branch (ISB) is responsible for defining the specifications, developing and supporting testing of a large number of these reports.


2.2         Background

The Banking & Cash Management Branch (BCM) enables government to collect and disburse funds through financial transactions.

Under the authority of the Financial Administration Act (FAA) and government core policy and procedures, BCM is responsible for the banking infrastructure and services that enable government to complete financial transactions with citizens, customers, vendors and employees and ensures the effective management of government funds related to these transactions.


The TMS Implementation project began in October 2022 after conducting an NRFP to select FIS Global as the solution to replace the existing legacy systems.  The modules being implemented are Quantum, eBAM and TRAX. The project has completed the Initiation, Design and Config and Build phases.  We are currently in the System Integration Test (SIT) phase.  The project is scheduled to launch a soft go live in summer 2024 with both the new system and legacy systems running in parallel for up to 6 months.